About Bermuda

- Latitude: 32 degrees 146; north
- Longitude: 64 degrees 146; west
- Approximately 600 miles due east of Cape Hatteras, North Carolina
Origin & Geography
- The 138 islands that comprise Bermuda are volcanic in origin with limestone cap
- Mainland comprises 7 largest islands linked by bridges
- Area: approximately 20.5 square miles
- Max. Elevation: 259.4 feet
- Record High Temperature 93 F (Aug)
- Average High Temperature 75.9 F
- Record Minimum Temperature 44 F (Jan)
- Average Minimum Temperature 67.3 F
- Mean Daily Temperature 76 degrees
- Mean Relative Humidity 76%
- Annual Total Rainfall 60 inches
- For current weather and climate data, visit weather.bm
- Britain's oldest self governing overseas territory
- Parliamentary System
- Constitutional Monarchy
- Population: 64,700 (2011)
- Capital City: Hamilton
- Currency: Bermuda Dollar (on par with US Dollar)
- Banking is regulated by the Bermuda Monetary Authority
- For more information, visit gov.bm